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a film by Charlotte Lagarde

documentary film - 15:00 - 2012


A film portrait of Scottish painter Gwen Hardie in her studio in Brooklyn, NY. “The paintings attempt to witness life as it is passing, neutral, simply alive. I subvert the concept of the body as a solid form by describing the translucent quality of skin…” check her beautiful work at


"Had filmmaker Charlotte Lagarde not taken her camera into Fife-born artist Gwen Hardie’s Brooklyn studio last year, I would not have been able to see for myself the fascinating process of body to mind to canvas to paint to completion which turns her work into jewel-like ruminations on mankind’s place on a swiftly turning planet."

- Jan Patience, Glasgow Herald



The Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture 

Edinburgh, Scotland - April 29th – June 6th 2012

Taigh Chearsabhagh arts centre

Lochmaddy Isle of North Uist Outer Hebrides , Scotland - 1 May – 23 Feb 2013

An Lanntair

Isle of Lewis, Scotland - 30 June – Aug 11 2012

Garis & Hahn Gallery

New York, NY -  - March 28 – April 27 2013

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